Thursday, April 25, 2013

UWM CIE Conference on Peace, Day 1

UWM's Center for International Education hosted an academic Conference on Peace. Here are my notes from the first day, organized by speaker. My favorite presenter was Andrea Bartoli.

Peter Colman
  • John Gottman studied couples and developed a model for predicting divorce within 5 years from coding a conflict situation lasting at least 30 minutes.
  • Main takeaway: 2-year research concluded Israeli-Palestinian mindsets are two main groups: those that are motivated by positive messages and are turned off by <...>, and those motivated by avoiding pain and are turned off by <...>
  • Knowing that, organizations that engage with the population regarding peace and conflict resolution can be asked 4 questions to discern which group they are in and tailor the messaging based on the group.
Andrea Bartoli
  • Every interaction between people is an opportunity for constructive or destructive dialogue
  • Andrea's presentation was geared towards human spirituality and the potential for peace. So engaging such that I didn't take good notes.
  • A video where he presents Catholics and peace building
  • A video where he discusses the history of International Prayer for Peace
Fred Turner
  • In combat...the destruction of empathy enables violence.
  • Soldiers are put through a training of de-empathization
  • Discussed the concept of the "democratic personality" (in contrast to the 'authoritarian personality'). Mass media was seen as mostly promoting authoritarianism, and a visual photographic exhibit, "The Family of Man" is a good example of promoting mirroring and empathetic thought.
  • Fred Turner was a journalist and expected to see his reporting in truth to case change but I did not.
  • My conclusion: change in public thought tends to happen slowly - across generations (although the recent reports on the quick shift of public opinion on gay marriage contrasts)
Lisa Parks
  • Drone warfare in Pakistan has happened in remote regions in which no journalists can report.
  • Displayed various photos of different categories to convey the imagery which have brought attention to truth about impacts of the drone.
  • Sign held : Burning Pakistan: Bush gifted, Obama granted
  • "Ethical Governor" - video depicting fully automated weaponized drones
  • There is a Drone Caucus of about 60 members in US congress that receives multi-million dollars in funding
Cynthia Cohen
  • Performing arts can help with peace building by bringing out stories from people affected by violence. "Through ritual, ceremony and poetry, justice can be performed in ways that are meaningful to the community"
Dora Apel
  • Analyzed various photos from the Iraq war in what they depicted. Frames an overall theme about photographers being embedded with troops and the efforts of controlling the pictures being taken failed.

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